Semestr B
Podręcznik: Expert IELTS 7.5
Semestr B (2 z 4)
Topic | Speaking | Vocabulary | Grammar | Writing |
CONSUMER SOCIETY -The cost of buying -Objects of desire | -developing topic specific vocabulary: expanding ideas using conjunctions and phrases -expressing opinions with that -discussing consumerism | -academic verbs for thoughts and beliefs -collocations for thoughts and beliefs | -form clauses -subordinate clauses -pronoun referencing -signposting words | -write about unknown processes (dealing with unknown vocabulary) - |
HOMES OF THE FUTURE -Making life easier -Expanding our horizons | --developing topic specific vocabulary: techniques for adding detail -describe an experience | -language of invention and innovation -expressing quantity -agreement and disagreement -describe an experience | -reporting speech patterns, other reporting structures -noun phrases -reporting verbs | -interpret statistical data -support trends with details -describe a chart |
LAW AND ORDER -Preventing crime -Solving crime | -developing topic specific vocabulary: order your argument -discussing crime | -verbs for argument and opinion -collocations for argument | -linking ideas -both, neither, either -cleft sentences -using there and it | -structures to compare and contrast opinion essay |